Working out in the elements - particularly during our great British summer - presents itself with an array of challenges and key considerations.
Did you know that construction using cranes/scissor lifts/cherry pickers have to stop if wind speeds get up to certain thresholds?
Did you know that it is also this typical weather that causes the biggest issues for outdoor structures? Ensuring they are weather-proof with sufficient drainage, as well as wind-proof with robust ballasting is a critical to ensure a successful experience for the client.
Did you know that at Chord, each of our structures undergo rigorous site- and structure-specific structural calculations for every project?
Did you know that construction sites for temporary demountable structures are subject to the same regulations as a regular building site – CDM?
Did you know that one of the obstacles for outdoor events is vehicle access? At the planning stage, you need to consider the volume and type of traffic that will be required and on what type of terrain; Are there weight restrictions for vehicles? Do you need temporary trackway? Are there time restrictions for the build? Are there restrictions on the number of crew who can be on site?
“Did you know that Chord has over 20 years of working in the outdoor event space?”